The Defensive Line Tackles Mental Health: Highlighting the Increase in Suicide Rates Among Young People and Empowering Youth to Seek Help

2 min read

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in mental health disorders and suicide rates among young people, particularly high school students. This issue was recently addressed by a group of current and former NFL pros known as “The Defensive Line,” who shared their own struggles with mental health to emphasize the importance of addressing these issues during Mental Health Awareness Month in May.

InterMountain Health organized an event in Las Vegas’s Clark County School District, inviting city and community leaders to join high school students in discussions about mental health. The event, titled “The Strongest Play is Asking for Help,” aimed to empower students to be honest and open about their mental health struggles. The panel of players included Solomon Thomas, Brandon Bolden, Darren Waller, Carl Nassib, Alec Ingold, Cedric Tillman, and Marcus Smith, all of whom shared personal stories to encourage others to seek help when needed.

Statistics show that the risk for suicide among Black youth has increased significantly, particularly among Black females. Black males also face elevated risks, with the majority of suicides in that population being male, and the highest number in their early 20s. Solomon Thomas emphasized the importance of vulnerability as a strength, challenging traditional views of toughness as the primary indicator of strength.

The Defensive Line has been focused on suicide prevention messaging, especially regarding the increased risk for Black youth. They have encouraged open discussions around mental health issues and provided resources for those seeking help at where their panel conversation is posted along with national and local mental health support options.

Samantha Johnson

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