Douglas County Welcomes New CTO with a Decade of IT Experience and a Commitment to Exceptional Service

2 min read

Douglas County is proud to welcome Peace Ruggia as the new Chief Technology Officer, who brings with him 18 years of experience in information technology. Jenifer Davidson, the County Manager, expressed her excitement about the new addition to the team and emphasized Ruggia’s expertise and enthusiasm in guiding the organization’s mission and the future of Technology Services.

Ruggia’s career spans various positions, including IT Director in Honolulu for five years, an IT Manager in the state of Washington for a year, and most recently as the IT Director for international freight company Total Logistics Resources. Ruggia expressed his enthusiasm about becoming a part of the Douglas County community and highlighted his commitment to providing exceptional customer service and ensuring technology is accessible and user-friendly for all users.

The Technology Services Department at Douglas County serves as the primary resource for technology guidance, responsible for the planning, development, coordination, and support of the county’s use of information technologies and enterprise data systems. The department’s main function is to provide internal technical support to County departments, elected officials, and partnering entities. TSD staff work closely with personnel to identify and prioritize County technology needs, ensuring they are effectively implemented and maintained to provide a smooth and efficient digital experience for all users.

Samantha Johnson

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