The Intersection of Skin Care and Internal Health: Expert Insights from Alaska Public Media, and Lessons Learned from Tragedy and Environmental Activism in the Last Frontier

2 min read

In this episode of Alaska Public Media, Dr. Jillian Woodruff and her guest, Dr. Courtney Bagayoko, a board-certified dermatologist and owner of Anchorage Dermatology & Cosmetics, share insights on skin care and how it reflects internal health. The Stethoscope by Flickr user Alex Proimos is an important tool for assessing internal health, with the skin providing valuable clues about overall health. Skin naturally regenerates every 28 days, but this process slows as we age.

The live broadcast of this episode aired on Wednesday, May 22, at 10 a.m. AKDT, with a repeat broadcast later that same day at 8 p.m. AKDT. Tune in to Line One for discussions on health and science topics by subscribing to Alaska Public Media podcasts.

Meanwhile, in a tragic incident, a Homer photographer lost his life in a moose attack while practicing wildlife photography in Denali National Park. This highlights the risks associated with wildlife photography and serves as a reminder to always be aware of your surroundings when venturing into nature’s untamed wilderness.

In addition to this tragedy, a group of young Alaskans have filed a lawsuit to block the proposed trans-Alaska natural gas pipeline project that could have significant environmental impacts on the state’s pristine ecosystems and wildlife habitats. These stories showcase the diverse issues facing Alaska’s residents and environment today.

Together, these stories underscore the importance of taking care of both our physical health and our environment in order to lead fulfilling lives in Alaska’s unique landscape.

Samantha Johnson

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