Safe and Secure: Gabb Music and other Child-Friendly Devices – The Future of Digital Safety

1 min read

Gabb is a hardware/software ecosystem that prioritizes child safety. It includes smartphones, watches, and other devices that offer enhanced parental controls. These devices do not have browser or social media apps, and they are ad-free. Two years ago, Gabb Music was launched as a service that filters music from Tuned Global’s catalogue to remove inappropriate lyrical content like profanity, sex, violence, drugs, and politics.

The initial Gabb Music product was an add-on radio-only service. Now, Gabb Music + provides children with an on-demand music service similar to other premium DSP services. Gabb’s team curates playlists with kid-friendly themes for Gabb Music + users. The subscription bundle for Gabb Music + is included in the premium “Advanced” bundle starting at $34.99 per month. Both Gabb Music and Gabb Music + are available as add-ons to the cheapest “Starter” bundle.

Samantha Johnson

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