Evergreen State College Joins the Fight Against Israel’s Human Rights Violations: Interview with Prem Thakker and Gillian Goodman

1 min read

Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, has become the latest to agree to work with students in divesting from companies that profit from human rights violations and the occupation of Palestinian territories. This move places the college among a select few that have reached such agreements with students protesting Israel’s actions in Gaza.

In a special episode of Intercepted, we hear from Prem Thakker, a politics reporter for The Intercept, and Gillian Goodman, a freelance writer and journalism graduate student at Columbia University. Thakker breaks down the campus protests and explains the students’ demands for schools to sever financial ties with Israel and weapons manufacturers. Goodman provides insight into the protest encampment at Columbia University, which served as the inspiration for similar demonstrations across the country until it was forcibly dismantled by law enforcement.

The student movement for Gaza has spread to over 154 campuses across the United States. With Evergreen State College now joining the ranks of institutions working towards divestment, it is clear that this movement is gaining momentum and will continue to push for change.

Samantha Johnson https://newscrawled.com

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