World Leaders Gather for Peace Summit to Discuss Nuclear Safety and War Crimes in Ukraine

1 min read

World leaders gathered in Switzerland for a peace summit hosted by Volodymyr Zelenskyy, where they discussed various important issues. Emmanuel Macron emphasized the need for securing nuclear safety around the Zaporizhizhia power plant and also highlighted the importance of not accepting attacks on civilian targets and infrastructure in Ukraine as they constitute war crimes.

Meanwhile, Jake Sullivan, the White House national security adviser, criticized Russia’s peace proposal as “completely absurd” and warned that it would only result in further domination of the country. He also noted China’s absence from the summit, suggesting that Russia may have influenced their decision not to attend.

Finland’s President Alexander Stubb called for follow-up talks to be scheduled promptly, emphasizing that peace is a continuous process. He referenced Finland’s history during World War Two when Russia invaded the country, resulting in the loss of a substantial amount of territory. Stubb highlighted the significance of maintaining peace despite past conflicts and losses.

Samantha Johnson

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