Wind and Waves: Community Offshore Wind Joins Industry Advisory Board to Promote Sustainable Fisheries in the U.S.

1 min read

Community Offshore Wind has been welcomed to the Industry Advisory Board (IAB) of the Science Center for Marine Fisheries (SCEMFIS). As a partnership between RWE and National Grid Ventures, they currently hold the largest offshore wind lease area in the New York Bight. The venture aims to develop the project while keeping in mind the needs of existing ocean users and the wind power industry.

Deirdre Boelke, fisheries manager for Community Offshore Wind, expressed their commitment to coexisting successfully with commercial and recreational fisheries. The company supports SCEMFIS’ collaborative approach of bringing together science and industry to promote sustainable fisheries. They believe that the growth of offshore wind in the U.S. presents an opportunity for the fishing industry, researchers, and developers to collaborate on innovative solutions to address the challenges faced by fisheries due to climate change and other factors.

Samantha Johnson

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