WB Improves Snowboarding Broadcast Coverage with Valuable Feedback from PB

2 min read

PB provided valuable feedback to WB, which led to improvements in the broadcast. The commentary booth with Carlsson and Gwin, as well as other pro riders, has been excellent lately. Additionally, Reece made an impressive appearance, showcasing potential as a TV personality in the future.

Despite these improvements, there are still areas that need work. The coverage of the entire track was well done, but camera angles remained a weak point of the show. For example, the ski jump into the final area was shot from too high up, taking away from the excitement of the finish. Other angles made the track appear flat compared to previous broadcasts.

On a positive note, slow-motion shots were executed well and should continue to be included in broadcasts. Drone footage was also impressive. Moreover, WB’s decision to stop cutting to shots of team managers mid-run and instead show them in a small window at the bottom was appreciated by many viewers.

Overall, WB’s efforts to improve based on feedback from PB have been noticeable in the broadcast. With continued work on camera angles and consistent use of features like slow-motion and drone shots, WB can continue to improve and provide an even better viewing experience for fans.

In conclusion, WB has taken feedback from PB seriously and implemented changes that have led to improvements in their broadcast coverage of snowboarding events. While there are still areas that require attention such as camera angles and consistency in using features like slow-motion and drone shots, WB is making progress towards providing a better viewing experience for fans.

Samantha Johnson https://newscrawled.com

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