Walmart and Amazon Adapt to Shifting Shopper Behavior: Walmart+ Members Embrace Frequent Delivery Options, Similar to Amazon Shoppers

2 min read

According to Walmart’s CFO, there has been a noticeable shift in the behavior of Walmart+ members. These shoppers are increasingly placing orders for just one or two items, which is a departure from the typical Walmart customer who spends more per transaction and tends to shop more in-store. The CFO also noted that shoppers have been moving towards more frequent delivery options recently, rather than opting for pickup.

On the other hand, Amazon’s dominance in e-commerce can be attributed in part to the millions of small orders made by their customers. The average Amazon shopper makes 72 purchases per year, spending around $37 per order. However, Walmart’s CFO mentioned that Walmart+ members, who spend twice as much as the typical customer, are starting to resemble Amazon shoppers more closely by placing smaller, more frequent orders.

During a recent conference, Walmart US CEO John Furner shared insights into shopper behavior. He emphasized the importance of understanding customer preferences and how analyzing the type of items in customers’ baskets can provide valuable insights into shopper intent. Furner also mentioned that it takes a shopper an average of four orders to fully embrace delivery options, after which usage tends to increase significantly.

Overall, both Walmart and Amazon are adapting to changing consumer preferences and shopping habits by offering more convenient and personalized shopping experiences to their customers.

Samantha Johnson

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