Unpredictability in The Hague: A Major Concern for Businesses Amidst Changing Political Landscape”.

1 min read

In recent years, the unpredictability of decisions made by The Hague has been criticized as capricious. This instability is a major concern for businesses, according to Robert-Jan Smits, the president of the executive board of TU/Eindhoven and a member of the Brainport Foundation that supports Eindhoven’s development. Smits emphasized that companies do not want to face constant uncertainty, which they are experiencing with various ad hoc measures, especially regarding fiscal policy, in the Netherlands.

Recently, Dutch lawmaker Laurens Dassen raised concerns about policymakers shifting funds from a €20 billion “National Growth Fund” meant for projects aimed at driving long-term growth. Dassen expressed that diverting these funds for short-term benefits is a sacrifice of long-term investments and future earnings.

The upcoming departure of Prime Minister Mark Rutte adds to this uncertainty among businesses. Rutte, who was previously employed at Unilever and has been known for being receptive to the concerns of large corporations, is credited with abolishing the dividend tax. His departure signifies a changing of the guard, leaving the business community uncertain about the future direction of economic policies.

Samantha Johnson https://newscrawled.com

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