Unlocking the Secrets to Strong Passwords: A Guide for World Password Day

2 min read

World Password Day, celebrated on May 2nd, aims to promote the importance of strong passwords in protecting against cyber threats. Passwords serve as the first line of defense against cybercriminals and it is crucial to ensure that they are as secure as possible.

One common mistake people make is using the same password for all their accounts, which can make them easily hackable. According to an online survey by Google, at least 65% of people use identical passwords on multiple sites, if not on all. This means that passwords can be easily cracked and it’s interesting to note that, according to the ‘Verizon data leak investigations report’, compromised passwords are responsible for 81% of data leaks linked to criminal activity.

To create strong passwords, Veronica Pace, head of marketing at Trend Micro Italia offers 10 tips and tricks:

1. Avoid using letters and numbers in sequence (for example, qwerty, abcde, 12345, asdf). They are too common and easy to guess.

2. Never use your date of birth as a password.

3. Combine letters, numbers and symbols to form a password of at least eight characters.

4. Avoid using your own name as a password.

5. Do not create a password that contains personal information.

6. Avoid using too common passwords like “password” or “qwerty”.

7. Stop reusing passwords each time you update them – each new password should be unique

Samantha Johnson https://newscrawled.com

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