University of Maryland Medical System Seeks to Pause Transgender Bias Lawsuit Amidst Supreme Court Review of Gender-Affirming Care Ban”.

2 min read

The University of Maryland Medical System Corp. has requested a federal appeals court to pause a transgender bias lawsuit until a decision is made by the US Supreme Court in a case testing state bans on gender-affirming care for transgender youths. The medical provider made this request on the same day that the US Supreme Court agreed to review a decision made by the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, which found that Tennessee’s ban on gender-affirming care for minors violates their constitutional rights.

The case at hand involves equal protection claims made by a transgender man who was denied a hysterectomy. This case is similar to the one being reviewed by the US Supreme Court, as it deals with the rights of transgender individuals to receive appropriate medical care. The University of Maryland Medical System Corp. is seeking to postpone the proceedings until the Supreme Court makes a decision on the Tennessee case.

By waiting for the ruling from the US Supreme Court, the University of Maryland Medical System Corp. hopes to gain clarity on the legal issues surrounding transgender rights in relation to medical care. The outcome of the Tennessee case could have implications for their own case and how they provide care to transgender patients. Keeping the lawsuit on hold until a decision is made by the highest court in the country is seen as a prudent and strategic move by the medical provider.

Samantha Johnson

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