Understanding Morton’s Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

2 min read

Morton’s syndrome is a medical condition characterized by frequent aching or pain at the tips of toes or fingers. This pain is caused by compression or entrapment of nerves between the bones in that area. The condition was first described by Dr. Dudley J. Morton in 1928. Obese individuals are more prone to developing Morton’s syndrome, as their greater body mass creates added pressure on joints and nerves, leading to compression and pain in the affected area.

Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, Head of the Department of Digestive Surgery at Central Military Hospital 108, provides expert advice on Morton’s syndrome. The condition typically affects the first toes or fingers and is more common in women. In addition to obesity, wearing ill-fitting footwear can also increase the risk of developing Morton’s syndrome.

The symptoms of Morton’s syndrome include pain or tenderness in the tips of the toes or fingers, discomfort when walking or exercising, a sensation of heat, burning or numbness in the affected area, and swelling and pain after activities such as standing for a prolonged period or engaging in physical exercise. The diagnosis of Morton’s syndrome involves a physical examination by a doctor and may require imaging tests for a more thorough evaluation.

Treatment options for Morton’s syndrome include non-surgical methods such as wearing supportive footwear, using orthotic devices, and taking pain medications. In cases where non-invasive treatments are ineffective or symptoms are severe, surgical intervention may be necessary. Common surgical procedures used to address Morton’s syndrome include releasing the compressed nerves or realigning the affected bones to alleviate pressure

Samantha Johnson https://newscrawled.com

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