Tensions Rising on Ukraine Front as Western Powers Show Support for Zelensky in Fight Against Russia

2 min read

Following the G-7 meeting in Apulia, it is clear that the United States-led EU is standing behind Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky in the fight against Russia. With France ready to put troops on the ground, the UK supplying long-range missiles, and the US providing artillery systems, the situation on the Ukraine front is expected to become heated in the coming days.

During the G-7 summit, Zelensky managed to secure support from big western powers including a USD 50 billion aid package and USD 225 million in approved military hardware from the US Congress. This assistance is aimed at targeting Russian presence in Crimea, potentially exposing a vulnerability for Russian President Vladimir Putin. On the sidelines of the summit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had a positive meeting with President Zelensky and received assurances from US President Joe Biden about Washington’s commitment to a strong relationship with India in face of challenges posed by rising China in Indo-Pacific.

In response to this support for Ukraine, Russian President Putin has threatened to supply weapons to nations and asymmetrical forces opposed to US-led coalition. The situation remains unstable particularly with ongoing conflicts such as Israeli war in Gaza. Putin has not ruled out using nuclear weapons if he perceives his sovereignty under threat adding more tension to global landscape.

Samantha Johnson https://newscrawled.com

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