Surges in Lychee and Fabric Prices due to Crop Failures and High Demand

2 min read

Lychee prices have soared this year, with vendors charging up to 180,000 VND per kilogram compared to last year’s prices of 60,000 VND per kilogram. The reasons for this increase are varied but include decreased output in certain regions and high demand from both domestic and international markets.

In Luc Ngan District, sellers have reported a shortage of supply at weighing points and processing kilns due to the low lychee output at the end of the season. Traders are now going directly to gardens to purchase lychees, with prices continuing to rise every day. Despite the challenges faced by authorities in procuring enough lychees for sale, demand remains high both domestically and internationally.

Fabric trader Ms. Hoang Anh has mentioned that fabric prices have surged due to high demand and shortages caused by crop failures in China. This has led to a decline in lychee supplies from the North to the South, further exacerbating the problem. Retail prices for lychees have also risen significantly, with prices at high-end stores reaching up to 320,000 VND per kilogram for air-transported lychees.

Major retail chains like MM Mega Market and Central Retail are facing challenges in procuring enough lychees to meet consumer demand despite the high prices. Despite this challenge, some supermarkets and stores have had to limit quantities due to the limited supply of this popular fruit. This year’s lychee output in Bac Giang province is estimated to be 100,000 tons, with a significant proportion already harvested and consumed both locally and abroad.

Samantha Johnson

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