Small Business Spotlight: Jackson Entrepreneur Receives $10,000 Grant to Expand Operations through American Express Initiative

2 min read

Raina Shults, founder and owner of Sprinkle Me Sugar, a small business based in Jackson, Tennessee, is thrilled to announce that her company has been awarded a $10,000 Backing Small Businesses Enhancement Grant through American Express and Main Street America. The grant will help the business grow its brand and expand its operations.

The Backing Small Businesses Grant Program was created to support economically vulnerable small business owners affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Since its launch in 2021, the program has provided over $9 million in grants to 1,180 small business owners nationwide. This initiative is part of American Express’ “Backing Small” campaign which aims to provide financial support and resources to small businesses facing economic challenges.

Other grant programs under this initiative include Backing Historic Small Restaurants and Backing International Small Restaurants. American Express has a long-standing commitment to supporting small independent businesses globally through initiatives like the Shop Small movement and Small Business Saturday campaign.

Sprinkle Me Sugar’s receipt of this grant is an affirmation of the company’s hard work and dedication to success. With this additional funding, the business can continue to grow and thrive while providing high-quality products and exceptional customer service to its customers in Jackson and beyond.

To learn more about the Backing Small Businesses grant program and the recent grant recipients, visit the website provided.

Samantha Johnson

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