Categories: Business

Small Business Owner Gives Accused Shoplifters a Second Chance to Return Stolen Items or Face Legal Consequences

Two women have been accused of stealing from a metro small business after they were caught on camera at Classic Charm Boutique in Oklahoma City’s midtown. The store owner, Brooke Donoley, is now giving the suspects a timeline to return the stolen items before pressing charges.

Donoley noticed the two women taking clothes into the fitting rooms but only coming out with half of what they took in. She believes they hid the clothing in bags before walking out of the store. After realizing the items were missing, she took inventory and called the police. Donoley wants the suspects to know the person they stole from and the impact it has on her small business.

As a small business owner, Donoley emphasized the importance of not stealing from businesses like hers, as it directly affects her livelihood. She wants the suspects to understand the personal impact of their actions and hopes they will return the items they took.

Brooke Donoley has given two women until this weekend to come back and pay for what they stole or face legal consequences. She hopes that these suspects will take responsibility for their actions and make amends for their theft.

Samantha Johnson

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Samantha Johnson

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