Silent Danger: The Hidden Symptoms of Lung Cancer and the Importance of Early Screening

2 min read

Mr. Phong, 53 years old, had been experiencing chest pain for over a year. Despite visiting multiple doctors and undergoing various treatments, the pain persisted. After a low-dose CT lung scan at Tam Anh General Hospital in Hanoi, abnormal thickening of the pleura was detected. A thoracoscopic surgery was performed to biopsy the pleural lesion, revealing lung cancer with pleural metastasis.

Associate Professor Dr. Chu Thi Hanh, Head of the Respiratory Department at Tam Anh General Hospital, explained that lung cancer typically presents symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, hoarseness, and hemoptysis. However, Mr. Phong did not exhibit these symptoms. The lung computed tomography showed pleural nodules and faint pleural thickening, leading to chest pain that could not be diagnosed for over a year.

It was emphasized that individuals with a history of smoking should undergo periodic lung cancer screenings due to the risk of developing lung cancer despite quitting smoking nearly 5 years ago. Lung cancer is often caused by smoking and can have long-lasting effects on an individual’s health even after quitting.

Following the diagnosis, Mr. Phong received a combination of treatments tailored to his condition and palliative care at the Oncology department. His health is currently stable. Associate Professor Hanh recommended low-dose lung CT scans as an effective lung cancer screening method due to its diagnostic accuracy and lower exposure to X-rays. It is especially beneficial for individuals at high risk of lung cancer due to factors like exposure to carcinogens, radiation, family history of lung cancer, or certain lung diseases.

In conclusion, Mr. Phong’s experience highlights the importance of regular lung cancer screenings for individuals with a history of smoking or other risk factors associated with developing this deadly disease. With early detection and appropriate treatment plans developed by multidisciplinary specialists like Associate Professor Hanh and her team at Tam Anh General Hospital in Hanoi

Samantha Johnson

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