ShinyHunters Hack Ticketmaster: Millions of Customers’ Personal Data Stolen and Sold on Dark Web

2 min read

Ticketmaster, a subsidiary of Live Nation, has been the victim of a hack that resulted in the theft of personal data belonging to 560 million customers. The breach was confirmed by Live Nation after the Australian government launched an investigation into a cyber security issue. This followed claims by hackers that they had accessed the data and published evidence of the breach on the dark web.

The ‘ShinyHunters’ hackers group, known for their infamous hacks, demanded a ransom of $500,000 from cybercriminals. Live Nation revealed in a document filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that they were notified on May 20 about the hack on their ticketing platform and engaged specialist companies to investigate the nature of the breach. On Monday, Live Nation was informed that the hackers planned to sell the stolen data on the dark web.

The stolen data included names, addresses, emails, phone numbers and the last four digits of customers’ credit card numbers. Despite this breach, Live Nation stated that it has not significantly impacted their operations or financial results and does not anticipate it doing so in the future. The company is currently actively assessing risks and working on remediation efforts to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

Samantha Johnson

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