Science Meets Art: A Memorable Performance by Shen Fanxiu and Liu Ye at Beijing’s National Center for the Performing Arts

2 min read

The National Center for the Performing Arts in Beijing was abuzz with excitement on Friday as renowned organ and harpsichord artist and educator Shen Fanxiu, along with flutist Liu Ye, delivered a mesmerizing performance of Bach’s Sonata in G Minor for flute and harpsichord. The event, titled When Science Meets Art, was designed to spark interest in science among the public.

Co-hosted by the NCPA, Beijing Association for Science and Technology, and Peking University Press, the performance was a highlight of the Science and Technology Week leading up to National Science and Technology Workers’ Day on May 30. During the event, esteemed paleontologist and Chinese Academy of Sciences academician Shu Degan discussed the translation process of Darwin’s seminal work On the Origin of Species into Chinese. He highlighted the close connection between science and art, drawing attention to Darwin’s love for music, literature, and visual arts.

Shu read excerpts from On the Origin of Species in Chinese, showcasing the harmony between scientific inquiry and artistic expression. Meanwhile, Peking University Press also showcased its latest collection of science books at the NCPA event. The collection includes a wide variety of translations of classic science literature, further enriching the intersection of science and culture for enthusiasts and scholars alike.

The audience was treated to a unique opportunity to appreciate the beauty and harmony between science and art during this captivating performance.

Samantha Johnson

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