Revisiting History: The Deseret News’s Coverage of the First Major League Baseball Night Game in 1935 and Its Enduring Impact on Sports Today

2 min read

The Deseret News archives offer a glimpse into the history of local, national, and world events. On May 24, 1935, a momentous event took place in Cincinnati when the first Major League Baseball game was played at night at Crosley Field. The Reds emerged victorious with a 2-1 win over the Philadelphia Phillies. Today, watching a summer evening baseball game under the lights is a cherished tradition for many fans, whether it’s at a neighborhood park or during the excitement of Game 7 of the World Series.

On May 25, 1935, the front page of the Deseret News featured three sports stories, including coverage of this historic night game. Manager Chuck Dressen made an audacious move by appointing rookie Billy Myers as the regular shortstop and team captain. Myers proved his talent by doubling and stealing a base while pitcher Paul Derringer pitched a six-hitter. President Franklin D. Roosevelt officially inaugurated the night game by throwing a ceremonial switch at the White House in front of dignitaries from baseball and government.

Today, Major League Baseball reports that about two-thirds of games are played under lights, reflecting how much has evolved since that first night game in 1935. While night baseball has become commonplace, other sports have also embraced evening games with televised broadcasts allowing fans to enjoy their favorite teams in prime time. For many fans though, there remains a cherished memory of watching day baseball games and experiencing hours immersed in baseball during doubleheaders.

In conclusion, revisiting history through archives like those of The Deseret News provides valuable insights into how events have shaped our culture and continue to influence us today. From that first night game to current practices within Major League Baseball and beyond, it’s fascinating to see how far we’ve come while still holding on to some traditions that remain just as meaningful today as they were over eight decades ago.

Samantha Johnson

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