Personalization Powers 20% Boost in Viewership: Amagi’s Zero Slate Technology Revolutionizes Vizio’s Streaming Experience

2 min read

Zero Slate technology, a solution offered by Amagi, has been successfully implemented on Vizio’s WatchFree+ channels. This marks the first showcase of this solution as part of Amagi’s Stream Personalization initiative. The Zero Slate offering enhances the streaming experience by dynamically adjusting the length of ad breaks on a per-viewer basis, eliminating the need for slates or filler content to complete linear ad breaks.

The “viewer-first” personalized approach to digital streaming has resulted in a 20% increase in viewership on Vizio’s owned and operated channels using Zero Slate capabilities. Data from Amagi Analytics shows that slates, typically used to fill unsold portions of ad pods, can contribute to a 15% increase in viewer churn in today’s Free Ad-supported Streaming TV (FAST) ecosystem. The success of Zero Slate in personalizing ad pod length demonstrates the potential to boost viewer engagement and create more high-quality viewing experiences over time.

Vizio’s group vice president of platform content and partnerships, Katherine Pond, expressed enthusiasm for the partnership with Amagi and the expansion of Zero Slate technology to more channels. This collaboration underscores Vizio’s dedication to improving user experiences and delivering personalized content. Amagi’s co-founder and chief revenue officer, Srinivasan KA, echoed the excitement about the impact of Zero Slate and the potential for Stream Personalization to revolutionize the linear viewing experience.

This partnership highlights the importance of innovation in the streaming industry and the ongoing efforts to enhance viewer satisfaction. With Zero Slate technology being just one feature of their broader suite of Stream Personalization features that aim to enhance linear viewing experiences even further, Amagi is leading the way in creating more engaging and personalized streaming experiences for viewers.

Samantha Johnson

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