Munich Airport and Assaia International AG Collaborate on Radar Technology for More Sustainable Aviation

2 min read

In a significant stride towards reducing the environmental impact of aviation, Munich Airport has collaborated with Assaia International AG to successfully complete a four-month test utilizing radar technology to monitor and promote the use of “Single Engine Taxi” (SET) procedures. The project was initiated by Munich Airport’s commitment to environmental protection and their foresight of increased air traffic in the future.

The goal was to assess the effectiveness of radar technology in detecting and monitoring the utilization of SET by incoming aircraft. During the test period, a radar system was positioned at Terminal 2 to align with incoming aircraft. This technology detects vibrations emitted by the aircraft’s engines, allowing it to identify whether SET procedures are being followed.

Initial results from the first phase of testing have been promising. The radar system accurately detected engine vibrations, providing essential information about the engine’s operating status. Valuable data was gathered to support further investigations, ensuring the technology’s accuracy and dependability under challenging operational circumstances.

Munich Airport and Assaia International AG plan to conduct additional tests to refine the system’s detection capabilities and incorporate SET monitoring into daily operations. A spokesperson for Munich Airport expressed their commitment to researching and implementing cutting-edge solutions that enhance operational efficiency while protecting the environment.

Christian Hen, CEO of Assaia, highlighted his company’s dedication to making global aviation more efficient, sustainable, and safe through advanced technologies. The test conducted in Munich represents another step towards a fully digitalized airport, with Munich Airport being praised as an innovative and capable partner for Assaia to work with.

Overall, this collaboration between Munich Airport and Assaia International AG is an essential step towards a more sustainable future for aviation. By utilizing advanced technologies such as radar systems, we can monitor and encourage more environmentally friendly practices within our industry while maintaining operational efficiency.

Samantha Johnson

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