Migros’ Major Restructuring: A New Era for the Iconic Swiss Retailer

2 min read

The iconic Swiss retailer, Migros, is undergoing a major restructuring effort that will have a profound impact on the entire organization. As part of this effort, the fate of specialist stores such as Melectronics, SportX, and others like Micasa, Bike World, Obi, and Do it + Garden will be announced.

One of the key changes at Migros will be in its specialist stores, which have been struggling in recent years due to increasing online competition. The restructuring is likely to involve selling off certain chains and potentially others like Media Markt and Fnac for Melectronics or Decathlon or Ochsner Sport for SportX. The future of other specialty stores remains uncertain with potential sales or reorganizations on the horizon.

In addition to the specialist stores, Migros is also undergoing changes in its supermarket business and production companies. The establishment of Supermarkt AG aims to centralize management of supermarkets to improve efficiency and competitiveness while the Migros Industry is refocusing on producing high-quality private labels at competitive prices.

Overall, these changes will result in the cut of 1,500 jobs as part of the restructuring efforts with additional job losses expected through the sale of subsidiaries. The full extent of the changes at Migros will be announced internally with further details expected in the coming weeks. These changes will reshape the Migros cosmos and set the stage for a new era for the iconic Swiss retailer.

Samantha Johnson https://newscrawled.com

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