Maria the Mysterious: Scientists Uncover Startling Differences in Famed Three-Fingered Mummy

2 min read

A new study by a team of Peruvian scientists has shed light on the mysterious three-fingered mummy found in a tomb in Nazca, Peru. Named Maria, the mummy exhibits human-like features but also has significant differences in morphology and anatomical structure.

Maria is one of six mummies discovered in the tomb by reporter and UFOlogist Jaime Maussan in 2017. Scientists previously concluded that Maria, along with the other mummies found in the tomb, was a modified pre-Columbian mummy.

Recent research involved a magnified examination of Maria, revealing several striking differences between her and normal human anatomy. Maria lacks hair and external ears, only possessing an ear canal hole. Her skull is elongated without any signs of artificial skull deformation and is 30% larger in volume than that of a normal human skull. CT scans showed that Maria had bulging eyes, a protruding upper and lower jaw, was missing six teeth, and had severely worn remaining teeth.

One of the most intriguing features of Maria is her hands and feet. The width of the bones at the base of her three fingers is uniform, making her hand as wide as a human hand but 20 cm longer, with each finger having four phalanges. Similarly, her foot bones are connected to three toes

Samantha Johnson

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