Limited Mental Health Resources: Tragic Incident Highlights Urgent Need for Improved Access to Care in Travis County

1 min read

In a tragic incident that has brought attention to the need for better mental health resources in Travis County, a 21-year-old woman was killed by her 19-year-old relative. Court records indicate that Keziah Titus is accused of the murder and has been arrested on charges.

According to various groups, the recent killing has highlighted the importance of having access to better mental health care in the area. Titus was previously arrested on misdemeanor family violence charges in April 2023 and released on bond within three days with the condition of receiving mental health supervision. The Travis County Sheriff’s Office has confirmed that resources for mental health care are limited in the area and have called for a mental health diversion center to be developed.

The County Attorney’s Office is unable to disclose specific information about the mental health care Titus received. Currently, she does not have an attorney listed to represent her. KXAN will provide updates if this changes.

Samantha Johnson

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