Kairos Risk Solutions Appoints Andre Siregar as New Chief Technology Officer: Enhancing Cybersecurity and AI Expertise

1 min read

Kairos Risk Solutions has appointed Andre Siregar as their new Chief Technology Officer. With over 28 years of experience in information technology, Siregar brings a wealth of expertise in areas such as cyber risk, fintech, enterprise architecture, automation and AI. He has held leadership positions at global companies like Commonwealth Bank, Accenture and General Motors, as well as being involved in start-ups.

As Vice Chairman of MentorsHub, a non-profit organization that focuses on mentoring underprivileged youth, Siregar demonstrates his commitment to giving back to the community.

Siregar will work closely with Managing Director SEA Albert Lim and Managing Director of Banking Solutions Stephen Lee on various regional projects. Kairos Chief Executive Jeffrey Khoo stated that Siregar’s experience in cyber risk and AI will enhance the company’s risk solutions.

Kairos Risk Solutions is a risk consultancy firm based in Singapore and Shanghai that specializes in providing comprehensive risk management services to clients. The company offers solutions for parametric risks, trade credit risks, cyber risks and banking solutions. If you found this information valuable, be sure to sign up for our free daily newsletters to receive more stories like this in your inbox.

Samantha Johnson https://newscrawled.com

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