iRobot Launches Revolutionary 2-in-1 Cleaning Robot: The Roomba Combo Essential

2 min read

iRobot has unveiled a new 2-in-1 cleaning robot, the Roomba Combo Essential, which combines the capabilities of a vacuum and a mop. This affordable device is designed for home use and can be purchased for 299 euros in black and white colors. The Roomba Combo Essential surpasses the performance of the Roomba 600 series with features such as floor mopping, increased suction power, and better dirt collection on hard floors.

The new cleaning robot also offers customizable settings for suction and water levels, longer battery life, and smart OS automations like Clean While I’m Away and suggested cleaning schedules. Users can control the robot via mobile phone, voice commands or physical buttons, with the ability to manage its functions through the iRobot Home app. The app allows users to customize cleaning routines, choose suction and water levels and access recommended programs.

The Roomba Combo Essential features a four-stage cleaning system with adjustable suction and water levels, a V-shaped multi-surface brush, a corner brush, and a microfiber mopping cloth connected to a water pump. With its versatility in cleaning modes and ease of use, this new addition to iRobot’s product lineup is an accessible and efficient choice for homeowners looking for an affordable yet advanced cleaning device.

Samantha Johnson

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