Intermountain Health’s Investment in Affordable Housing: Improving Patient Care and Stability in Western Communities

1 min read

Since 2019, Intermountain Health, a nonprofit system of hospitals and clinics across seven western states, has been investing over $110 million in loans and other investments for affordable housing projects. This support is often directed towards innovative financing arrangements when conventional options are not available or affordable for developers.

Intermountain recognizes the importance of addressing social determinants of health for effective patient care. Providing support for affordable housing efforts in the communities they serve is one way they are making a difference. Through their partnership with Mercy Community Capital, Intermountain has contributed to the development of over 2,000 units of affordable housing and has improved the financial stability of more than 900 people.

The most recent example of Intermountain’s impact is a $4 million loan to help fund a new 247-unit affordable rental property. This project will cater to individuals with low incomes, seniors, farmworkers, formerly unhoused individuals, and people with special needs. Intermountain plans to continue collaborating with Mercy Community Capital to pursue additional affordable housing opportunities in the states they serve.

Samantha Johnson

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