Firelands Health Revolutionizes Heart Care with Noninvasive CCTA Test and Intravascular Lithotripsy Procedure

2 min read

Firelands Health is now offering cardiac computed tomography angiography (CCTA) tests as part of new advancements in heart care. This noninvasive scan uses powerful X-rays to provide detailed 3D images of blood vessels in the heart. By detecting narrowing vessels or blockages caused by plaque, CCTA helps identify potential heart problems early for improved treatment outcomes.

Firelands Regional Medical Center now offers Intravascular lithotripsy (IVL) to treat patients with severe calcium deposits in their arteries. This procedure, performed by interventional cardiologist W. Scott Sheldon, D.O., utilizes cutting-edge technology to expand the artery before stent placement, enhancing blood flow to the heart.

Dr. Scott Campbell, vice president of medical affairs and chief medical officer at Firelands Health, emphasizes the importance of adopting new and innovative treatments to provide patients with the best possible care. With a dedicated and talented medical staff, Firelands Health continues to offer state-of-the-art procedures and technologies to improve patient outcomes in cardiac care.

In addition to CCTA and IVL, Firelands Health also offers other advanced cardiac treatments such as balloon angioplasty and coronary artery bypass surgery.

The hospital’s commitment to providing cutting-edge care is evident in its partnership with leading manufacturers of medical equipment and devices.

Overall, Firelands Health is dedicated to providing its patients with the best possible care through the use of advanced technologies and treatments.

With these new advancements in heart care, patients can expect improved treatment outcomes and a higher quality of life after receiving treatment at Firelands Health.

Samantha Johnson

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