Expanding Access to Affordable Health Care in Rural Colorado: Governor Polis Signs New Legislation into Law

1 min read

Governor Jared Polis has recently signed legislation into law that addresses the challenges faced by rural Colorado in accessing affordable health care. This new law, SB24-221, aims to expand the number of health care professionals practicing in rural areas.

Senator Dylan Roberts highlighted the difficulties faced by rural communities in accessing quality health care. He stressed the importance of supporting rural hospitals with necessary funding to ensure they can continue serving their communities effectively.

Representative Meghan Lukens emphasized the need for high-quality health care, including mental and behavioral health care, in rural and mountain communities. She stressed the significance of driving funding towards rural hospitals and expanding mental health care support for farmers and ranchers.

Both Senator Barbara Kirkmeyer and Representative Marc Caitlin were sponsors of the legislation, which builds upon previous legislation that established the Colorado Rural Health Care Workforce Initiative. Under this initiative, additional funding will be allocated for institutions of higher education to establish or expand rural health care provider training tracks. Over $1.7 million in direct assistance will also be provided to rural hospitals to ensure they have the resources needed to continue offering essential health care services in their communities.

Samantha Johnson https://newscrawled.com

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