Empowering Communities: The Copper Shores Community Health Foundation’s Impactful Grants in Western U.P.

2 min read

The Copper Shores Community Health Foundation has recently granted funding to several organizations in the western U.P., including Barkell Elementary School, CLK Schools, and Ontonagon Artist Collective. Each of these organizations received grants for specific projects that will help them better serve the community.

Barkell Elementary School received $1,792 to install handicap-accessible swing sets, which will provide a safe and inclusive playground for all students. This project aligns with the school’s commitment to creating a welcoming and accessible environment for all children.

CLK Schools received $984.26 for recess equipment, which will allow students to engage in physical activity during recess time. This equipment will be used by both elementary and middle school students and is designed to promote physical fitness and healthy habits.

Ontonagon Artist Collective received $2,000 for a watercolor painting event for seniors. This event will provide an opportunity for seniors to connect with their community through art and creativity while also promoting mental health and wellness among older adults.

In addition to these grants, Equipment Loans of the Keweenaw (ELK) also received $525 from the Copper Shores Community Health Foundation to create brochures showcasing their medical and adaptive recreational equipment rentals. These brochures will help raise awareness about ELK’s services and encourage more people to utilize their equipment rentals, which include activities like sled hockey and hand-cycling. ELK Funding Director Jen Shaud expressed excitement about being able to use the brochures to inform the community about their services and expand their reach.

Overall, these grants are helping support important work in the western U.P., from providing accessible playground equipment at schools to promoting healthy habits among students during recess time. These projects align with the Copper Shores Community Health Foundation’s mission of improving overall health and wellness in the region by supporting organizations that share this goal.

Samantha Johnson https://newscrawled.com

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