Dismissing Mental Health Issues: The Dangers of Overlooking Brain-Related Conditions

2 min read

Jessica Huitson’s journey with tics began at the young age of 12. At first, her symptoms were mild, but they gradually worsened over time, leading to whole-body fits and emergency hospital visits. Despite this, medical professionals at her local hospital in Durham, England dismissed her symptoms as anxiety, attributing them to excessive TikTok use. Her mother was deeply upset by the dismissive attitude they encountered, feeling that Jessica’s symptoms were being belittled.

It wasn’t until later that Jessica was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition caused by a Streptococcus infection, known as PANDAS. This condition is not uncommon and can affect anyone who has recently had a strep infection. Once the infection was identified and treated, her symptoms began to improve significantly.

Unfortunately, Jessica’s experience is not unique. Many individuals with brain-related conditions are often misdiagnosed as having mental health issues. Research shows that infections can sometimes trigger conditions such as OCD, tics, anxiety, depression, and even psychosis. In addition to infections, inflammatory disorders and metabolic conditions are also being recognized as having significant impacts on mental health. However, psychiatrists do not typically consider these factors when diagnosing mental health issues.

This points to larger issues within the field of psychiatry, as many underlying causes of mental health issues are often overlooked or misinterpreted. It is important for medical professionals to take a holistic approach when diagnosing and treating mental health conditions to ensure that patients receive the proper care they need for their specific condition.

Samantha Johnson https://newscrawled.com

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