Deadly Terror Attack in Moscow Leaves 130 Dead: A Reminder of the Dangers of Terrorism and Extremism in Central Asia

1 min read

A terrorist attack in Moscow, carried out by the Central Asian branch of Isis-K, resulted in over 130 deaths, making it the deadliest attack in Russia since 2004. The incident brought back memories of the Beslan school siege in 2004 where Chechen terrorists took over a school and killed 330 civilians.

The attack began with masked gunmen arriving at the Crocus City Hall and shooting outside the building. They then entered the lobby and continued firing at those gathered there. Panic ensued as they made their way inside the concert hall and started shooting towards the crowd. The gunmen were reported to have thrown explosives and set fires inside the building before fleeing the scene.

In addition to casualties from gunfire, many people suffered from smoke poisoning aftermath of attack. Emergency response teams arrived quickly at the scene to provide assistance. Russian authorities later arrested eleven suspects, four of whom are believed to have been involved in the attack. Investigations revealed that these attackers were not Russian citizens but carried Tajik passports.

This incident has shaken Russia and raised concerns about extremist groups operating in the region. It serves as a stark reminder of ongoing threat posed by terrorism and highlights

Samantha Johnson

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