Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Professor Aditya Kunjapur Wins Grand Prize for Revolutionizing Vaccine Development with Protein Visibility Technique

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Aditya Kunjapur, an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at [University Name], has been awarded the 2024 BioInnovation Institute & Science Prize for Innovation. This prestigious award recognizes researchers who have made significant advancements using protected or licensed materials in the healthcare sector.

Kunjapur was named the Grand Prize winner for his essay “Planting a chemical flag on antigens”, which highlights his team’s innovative approach to making proteins more visible to the immune system. By making proteins unseen by the immune system more visible, this research has the potential to revolutionize vaccine development, specifically for bacterial infections.

Kunjapur’s work in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering has been recognized with this prestigious award, showcasing his dedication and expertise in the field. His research has the potential to shape the future of vaccine development and healthcare-related technologies. Kunjapur’s innovative approach to addressing the challenges in healthcare has earned him the well-deserved honor of the Grand Prize winner of the 2024 BioInnovation Institute & Science Prize for Innovation.

Samantha Johnson

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