Celebrating Craftsmanship, Innovation and Community at IYRS Summer Gala

2 min read

IYRS School of Technology & Trades is hosting its 27th annual Summer Gala on Saturday, July 13 at 6 p.m. at their campus. The gala is more than just an event; it’s a celebration of craftsmanship, innovation, and community spirit that defines IYRS.

Attendees can see firsthand the core values of IYRS, including empowering individuals with education, preserving traditional trades, and teaching modern manufacturing skills. IYRS students receive training in boatbuilding, marine systems, digital modeling & fabrication, and composites technology, leading to careers in the marine industry, entrepreneurship, or other industries like motorsport, aerospace, and defense upon graduation.

The school recently graduated over 70 students and launched several sailboats and boats at their annual graduation and launch day. Financial assistance is available for nearly 80 percent of IYRS students. Those interested can learn more about scholarship opportunities on the IYRS website.

With strong industry partnerships, IYRS graduates have an average 85 percent graduation rate and an 85 percent graduate placement rate. The gala is a significant event for IYRS, featuring musical performances by Trombone Shorty and Orleans Avenue. Tickets for the gala can be purchased on the website as well as donations to support the mission of IYRS are welcomed on their website.

IYRS School of Technology & Trades is committed to providing hands-on training for students who want to pursue careers in boatbuilding and marine systems while also promoting innovation and creativity in traditional trades such as woodworking and metalworking.

IYRS offers a variety of programs that include boatbuilding courses that teach students how to build boats from scratch using traditional techniques such as hand tools like saws and chisels. Students also learn how to use modern equipment like CNC machines and laser cutters to design and fabricate parts.

In addition to boatbuilding courses, IYRS offers programs in digital modeling & fabrication that teach students how to use software like SolidWorks to create detailed designs for parts such as engine blocks or boat hulls.

The school’s composites technology program teaches students how to work with advanced materials like carbon fiber composites used in high-performance boats or aircraft.

IYRS’s marine systems program teaches students how to work with complex systems such as engines, transmissions, navigation systems

Samantha Johnson https://newscrawled.com

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