Breaking Records: Housing Market Continues to Soar Despite Affordability Issues

1 min read

In March, home prices across America experienced a significant increase of 6.5% compared to the previous year, reaching an all-time high due to low inventory. The housing market in the United States continues to face affordability issues. Despite this, the demand for housing remains strong in urban areas like San Diego, New York, Cleveland, and Los Angeles, with the 20-city index showing a slightly faster growth rate in March compared to February.

According to Brian Luke, the head of commodities, real, and digital assets at S&P Dow Jones Indices, the report indicates a continuous trend of breaking records in both the stock and housing markets over the last year. Alongside the rising home prices, the housing market is also facing challenges with a severe shortage of homes for sale and increased mortgage rates, making it particularly difficult for first-time buyers.

The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller US National Home Price Index, which measures home prices nationwide, rose to a record high in March. This marked the sixth time in the past year that the index has reached such heights. The report suggests that this trend is likely to continue as more people enter the market and compete for limited inventory.

Samantha Johnson

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