Breaking Barriers: How the Journal of Trial and Error is Revolutionizing Scientific Research with Negative Results Publication

1 min read

Negative results in scientific studies are often overlooked and unpublished due to a lack of incentives for researchers to publish them. However, this bias towards only publishing positive results could be hindering the field of science by preventing future breakthroughs. The Journal of Trial and Error is taking steps to address this issue by specifically publishing papers with negative results.

In an interview with Anna Rothschild, Dr. Sarahanne Field, editor-in-chief of the Journal of Trial and Error and assistant professor in behavioral and social sciences at the University of Groningen, discusses the importance of recognizing and publishing negative results in scientific research. By changing the perception of failure within the scientific community, the journal’s team hopes to strengthen the field of science and promote a more comprehensive understanding of the scientific process.

Samantha Johnson

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