Billion-Dollar Verdict in NFL Sunday Ticket Antitrust Lawsuit: What it Means for the League and Team Owners

1 min read

The nationwide Sunday Ticket class action lawsuit against the NFL has resulted in a verdict of $4.696 billion. However, this amount is subject to tripling under antitrust law, resulting in a total of $14.088 billion. While it is possible that the judge may still dismiss or reduce this amount, as of now, the verdict stands at $14.088 billion, equivalent to $440.25 million per team.

To put this into perspective, this year’s salary cap for each team is $255.4 million. Therefore, the verdict is a significant sum of money that could have financial implications for those involved. However, it is unlikely to bankrupt anyone involved as the ultra-rich individuals affected will still remain incredibly wealthy even after any potential adjustments to the verdict are made. Ultimately, while the outcome of this case may impact the financial status of those involved, it is unlikely to drastically change their overall wealth and power dynamics.

Samantha Johnson

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