Biden Stumbles in High-Stakes 2024 Presidential Debate with Trump

2 min read

The first presidential debate between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump in 2024 was a high-stakes gamble for Biden. From the beginning, it was clear that Biden’s frail demeanor was evident, with him appearing out of breath and struggling to articulate his thoughts clearly.

Throughout the debate, Biden made several mistakes, including slurring words, omitting words, and delivering nonsensical phrases. One such instance was when he mistakenly stated that the US was the biggest supporter of Israel in the world. In response, Trump capitalized on Biden’s weaknesses, remaining calm, disciplined, and occasionally making jabs at the president.

The debate was different from previous ones in several ways. There was no studio audience present, mics were cut when others were speaking, and there were two commercial breaks. Despite these challenges and the early nature of the debate, it was clear that Biden was not at his best.

As a result of this poor performance, many have criticized President Biden for not being prepared enough for the debate. However, some have defended him by stating that he is still recovering from COVID-19 and has been dealing with personal family issues recently. It remains to be seen how this will affect his campaign moving forward. This is a developing story, and updates on the debate will be provided as they become available.

Samantha Johnson

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