Beyond Nausea: Navigating the Side Effects of Chemotherapy for Cancer

1 min read

Dr. Mia Gottfried, director of the Oncology Institute at the Meir Medical Center of the Klalit Group, explains that chemotherapy treatment for cancer can be used in conjunction with surgery to treat micrometastases and prevent disease recurrence. Alternatively, it can be used for patients in an advanced stage of cancer. The effect of chemotherapy on the patient can vary depending on the individual case. Dr. Gottfried mentions that severe nausea, a common side effect in the past, is now less common due to the availability of effective medications to manage it.

Chemotherapy treatment for cancer can have various side effects that patients may experience, including nausea, loss of appetite, metallic taste in the mouth, weakness, decreased blood count, and increased susceptibility to infections. However, there are medications available to help with vomiting and a cooling helmet that can help reduce hair loss during treatment. Despite advancements in treatment options and medications available to alleviate side effects associated with chemotherapy treatments

Samantha Johnson

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