Ancient Egyptians’ Advanced Surgical Skills: Cancer Treatment and More Unearthed through Paleopathological Findings

1 min read

Researchers have uncovered evidence that ancient Egyptians were already looking for ways to treat cancer over 4,600 years ago. A team of scientists led by Edgard Camaros, a paleopathologist from the Spanish University of Santiago de Compostela, found signs of brain cancer on the skull of an Egyptian from ancient times. They also found evidence of attempts to treat the cancer through surgery, as indicated by cut marks around lesions on the skull that were associated with metastatic brain cancer.

The shape of the cuts suggests that they were made with a metal tool, indicating a sophisticated understanding of surgical techniques even in ancient times. The findings, published in a paper in the journal Frontiers in Medicine, show that ancient Egyptians may have been investigating ways to treat cancer through surgical procedures. This discovery not only expands our knowledge of ancient Egyptian medicine but also reveals that humans have been attempting to cure cancer for much longer than previously thought.

In addition to this groundbreaking discovery, there is also mention of a gambling website in the content provided. However, it is unclear how this relates to the topic at hand and whether it is relevant to the article.

Samantha Johnson

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