Alpecin-Deceuninck Sweeps WHOOP UCI Mountain Bike World Series Races in Val di Sole

1 min read

The fourth round of the WHOOP UCI Mountain Bike World Series in Val di Sole, Trentino, saw Alpecin-Deceuninck achieve a successful day as both Puck Pieterse and World Champion Sam Gaze secured wins in the elite women’s short track race and elite men’s race, respectively.

Pieterse narrowly beat Ferrand-Prévot in a two-rider sprint to the finish line, with Savilia Blunk coming in third. Pieterse used a smart race tactic to secure her win while Ferrand-Prévot admitted she may have waited too long to make her move.

In the men’s race, Gaze took the victory by just one second, with Victor Koretzky and Jens Schuermans finishing close behind. Nino Schurter came in fourth, also just one second back. Koretzky was happy with his second-place finish after recovering from illness while Gaze expressed his satisfaction at his win and enjoyed racing his bike.

Overall, it was a successful day for Alpecin-Deceuninck as both Pieterse and Gaze secured wins in their respective races at the WHOOP UCI Mountain Bike World Series in Val di Sole.

Samantha Johnson

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