AfD Top Candidate Maximilian Krah Dismisses Employee on Spy Charges, Plans to Continue Campaign Amidst Controversy

2 min read

The AfD’s top candidate for the European elections, Maximilian Krah, has dismissed an employee due to espionage allegations. Jian G., who was arrested on suspicion of spying for China in Dresden, is currently in custody. The public prosecutor’s office has started preliminary investigations following the incident.

Krah has previously expressed pro-China views, which may now be causing problems for him. Despite this, he plans to continue his election campaign. However, he will not attend the campaign kick-off in Donaueschingen this weekend to avoid damaging the party’s reputation. Krah stated that he is not personally involved in any wrongdoing and plans to participate in an event organized by his Saxon regional association on May 1st.

Party leaders Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla have emphasized the need to investigate and prevent any foreign influence through espionage or attempts to buy opinions and positions. Krah, who has maintained a friendly relationship with Weidel and Chrupalla, has spoken positively about his former employee Jian G., despite his dismissal. He is interested in uncovering the alleged crime that took place in his office at the European Parliament.

Krah’s views on China have been controversial in the past, with him opposing an EU Parliament resolution urging Beijing to stop repressing the Uyghur minority. He has also praised the People’s Republic on its national holiday. While Krah insists that he always represents German interests, his actions and connections have raised concerns about his ties to the Chinese government. Despite facing criticism and ongoing investigations, Krah remains determined to continue his political career and defend his reputation amidst media scrutiny.

In summary, Maximilian Krah, AfD’s top candidate for European elections, dismissed an employee due to espionage allegations but plans to continue with their campaign while avoiding attending a campaign kick-off event due to potential damage to party reputation. Party leaders emphasize investigation of foreign influence while Krah maintains a friendly relationship with them while speaking positively about a former employee despite dismissal and expresses interest in uncovering alleged crime committed in their office at EU parliament building while raising concerns about ties with Chinese government amidst criticism and ongoing investigations

Samantha Johnson

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