Adena Health in Chillicothe Welcomes New Chair and Board Members: Continuing to Provide Quality Care to Patients

2 min read

Adena Health in Chillicothe has appointed Steve Hirsch as the new chair of their board of trustees. Hirsch will replace Jennifer McKell, who will remain on the board as past chair. Bob French will serve as vice chair, Brian Ream as secretary, and Kevin Shoemaker as treasurer. The board has welcomed three new members: Penny Dehner representing First Presbyterian Church, Jim Crabtree representing Trinity United Methodist Church, and Sean Kallner representing Tabernacle Baptist Church.

Dehner brings a wealth of experience in behavioral health administration from her time at the Paint Valley ADAMH Board. Crabtree is an expert in education, marketing, and telecommunications management with a diverse background. Kallner has over 20 years of experience in finance, education, and senior leadership roles. The new members have replaced Bart Henshaw, Larry Phillips, and Joe Watson, who served the board for the maximum allowed terms.

Adena Health is governed by a 15-member board consisting of representatives from founding churches, at-large members, and medical staff. The board members bring diverse expertise and perspectives to address the needs of the community. Adena Health offers a wide range of services that can be found on their website or social media platforms.

The newly appointed chair Hirsch has expressed his gratitude to Jennifer McKell for her leadership during her tenure on the board and pledged to continue to work towards providing quality care to patients while maintaining transparency and accountability within Adena Health.

The addition of three new members to the board signifies Adena Health’s commitment to diversity and inclusion in its decision-making processes. Their varied experiences bring unique perspectives that will help shape the future direction of Adena Health.

Overall, Adena Health remains committed to serving its community through excellence in healthcare services while upholding its core values of compassionate care and integrity.

In conclusion, Adena Health’s board of trustees has undergone some changes with Steve Hirsch taking over as chairman from Jennifer McKell. The new members have been added to bring different perspectives based on their backgrounds and expertise. With these changes in place

Samantha Johnson

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