A Healthy Expo for All: A Community Come-Together in Promoting Personal Wellness

1 min read

On Sunday (April 28), the Student Recreation Center will be hosting a variety of complementary health services and health-related information from 1-5 p.m. The event is being hosted by the Health Sciences and Technology Academy, Minorities Association of Pre-Healthcare Students, and the Student National Medical Association.

One of the main activities at the event is a two-mile Community Health Walk starting at 2:30 p.m., followed by a run at 3:30 p.m. Participants can also enjoy educational sessions on topics such as diabetes prevention/exercise promotion by the WVU Student Nurses’ Association, blood pressure and nutritional screenings by Project REACH, and an oxygen screening and healthy vs. unhealthy lung display by the WVU Medicine Children’s Transport Team.

The goal of the event, according to Gregory Epps, advisor to the sponsoring student organizations, is to create an inclusive atmosphere where people can have fun while receiving beneficial services and information for their personal health and wellness. The Expo is supported by various campus and community partners including the WVU Health Sciences Center, WVU Medicine, NASA WV Space Grant Consortium, among others.

For more information about this exciting event, individuals can contact Epps at gdepps@hsc.wvu.edu.

Samantha Johnson https://newscrawled.com

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